Overstimulation is Ruining Your life

Breaking free from the cycle of overstimulation and reclaiming your focus and productivity

Thats Eli
16 min readMar 17, 2023

10 tips to help you avoid information overload.

In 1665, while gazing out of his window in his Lincolnshire orchard, Isaac Newton witnessed a seemingly ordinary event. As he gazes upon the towering apple tree in his Lincolnshire orchard, a solitary and ripe apple suddenly detaches and plummets to the ground. While the event may have appeared mundane to most, Newton observed the trajectory of the apple with great interest. Little did he know that this moment would give birth to one of the most significant discoveries in human history, the laws of motion that transformed modern physics forever. Interestingly, Newton did not deliberately conduct an experiment or overload his brain with information to uncover these laws. He was simply bored and aimlessly gazing out of his window when inspiration struck.

However, that was in the 17th century and since then, the world has undergone significant changes. Nowadays, we seldom allow ourselves to sit and stare out of a window or simply sit in our backyards, contemplating the sky. It seems like we never give ourselves the time to just let our minds wander off into uncharted territories. The act of diving deep into our thoughts seems to be something we avoid, finding it tedious and dull. Instead, we often seek to escape boredom by any means necessary, even resorting to self-inflicted electric shocks. Sadly, this…



Thats Eli

I write essays on whatever I find interesting. Most of the time that's philosophy, society, psychology, politics and better living overall.